Honor Vets at Memorial Day Mass
We are all better for the selfless efforts of members of our Armed Forces, past and present. Our country, our Constitution and our way of life have been protected by those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
On Monday, May 27 at 10 a.m., Most Rev. Gregory L. Parkes and priests of the Diocese of St. Petersburg will gather at the outdoor altar to celebrate the holy sacrifice of the Mass. This memorial of the death and resurrection of Jesus, who freed mankind from the bonds of sin, is a perfect time to remember, honor and pray for those who have maintained the freedoms that we enjoy as United States citizens.
Please join us at Calvary Catholic Cemetery to say, “thank you for your service,” in prayer. If you cannot attend, please take a moment to pray for these brave women and men.
Ample shade-covered seating is provided, or you are welcome to bring your own folding chair or blanket and sit in the shade of the majestic oak trees of the cemetery.
Follow this link for Directions to Calvary Catholic Cemetery and a weather forecast for May 27 may be obtained here.