Good News for All Souls’ Day Mass
Earlier we had planned to cancel this annual outdoor Mass, but with all of the park-like, open space available, we decided to continue the tradition. Bishop Gregory L. Parks will celebrate Mass at the outdoor altar at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, November 2, 2020. We hope you are able to join us.
But, we must be careful! Social distancing precautions should be adhered to in accordance with CDC Guidelines and the “Return to Mass” guidelines published by the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
While many of the faithful pray often for departed family members and friends, this day was earmarked by the Church as a special day of remembrance, complete with indulgences for the souls of loved ones.
A plenary, or full, indulgence for departed souls may be granted each day from November 1 through November 8 for those who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray for the departed. To acquire this indulgence, three conditions are necessary: sacramental Confession, Eucharistic communion, and prayer for the intention of the Holy Father. The conditions may be fulfilled several days before or after the performance of the visit, however, it is appropriate that communion is received and the prayer for the intention of the Holy Father is said on the same day as the visit.
The Mass at Calvary Catholic Cemetery on Monday, November 2 is a perfect way to help fulfill the conditions and obtain an indulgence for the souls of loved ones.