New chapel organ enhances Mass music
If music of the Month’s Mind Mass sounds just a little sweeter to your ear, there is good reason.
It’s due in part to the new three–manual organ that has replaced a small electronic keyboard that was used since inception of the monthly Mass in 2012. According to liturgical musician, Jeffrey Fitzcharles, the organ is “the preeminent ecclesiastical instrument with an integral part of the liturgy.” For liturgical music a three–manual organ is preferred as it provides for a full sound and a wide range which much liturgical music was designed for and written on.
Of course no instrument is of value unless played by experienced musician. We are blessed at Calvary Catholic Cemetery to have a sampling of some of the finest liturgical musicians from around the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
While our focus at Mass is on the altar, where simple bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus, ecclesiastical music helps us to join our voices in worship and it adds to the overall spiritual ambiance.
We invite you to join us on the last Thursday of every month at 12:15 p.m. in the Chapel of the Resurrection for the Month’s Mind Mass. Please do not miss an opportunity to remember and pray for your departed loved one.