Thank you Father Argentino
After 48 years a priest, Father Ralph Argentino is retiring from his active priestly ministry in the Diocese of St. Petersuburg. He relinquishes his duties at Calvary Catholic Cemetery at the end of June and as Director, Permanent Diaconate program at the end of October, 2016. Father Argentino will be moving to Ocoee, Fla. where he will assist occasionally around the Diocese of Orlando.
Thank you Father Argentino for your six years of ministry as Director of Cemeteries for the Diocese of St. Petersburg, during which time you upheld and enhanced the mission and ministry of Calvary Catholic Cemetery.
Thank you for being a good and faithful steward of the Cemetery so the dignity of all people may be respected in life and in death.
Thank you for your living examples of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
Thank you for maintaining a work environment where professionalism is encouraged, the contribution of every person is appreciated and all employees are truly valued as family.
Thank you for renovating the mausoleum chapel into the Chapel of the Resurrection – complete with altar, ambo, organ, stained glass and air conditioning – where our faithful departed are remembered in prayer on the last Thursday of every month in the Month’s Mind Mass.
Thank you for your homilies that reminded us we are on a journey and that our true homes are not here. We got it!
Thank you for honoring our departed priests with improvements to their section consistent with the level of dignity with which they sought for all whom they ministered to in this life.
Thank you for the forthcoming improvements to and around the outdoor altar where Mass has been celebrated on Memorial Day and All Saints’ Day for over 50 years.
Thank you for honoring deacons and their wives with a dedicated burial section for them.
Oh, lest we forget, Thank you for the bourbon laced fudge Christmas gifts made by the generous-pouring Trappist Monks in Kentucky.