Father Hugh’s Parable
Chaplain Father Hugh Chikawe’s homily at the Month’s Mind Mass on August 31 compared the travel of his home villagers in Tanzania to our passage through life.
Chaplain Father Hugh Chikawe’s homily at the Month’s Mind Mass on August 31 compared the travel of his home villagers in Tanzania to our passage through life.
On the last Saturday of every month, we come together at 10:00 a.m. at Calvary Catholic Cemetery to take part in a Month’s Mind Mass in a spirit of love to pray for and remember our departed loved ones.
Mark your calendar and reset your clock. The Month’s Mind Mass has moved to the last Saturday of every month at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel of the Resurrection at Calvary Catholic Cemetery. All are welcome to attend.
If music of the Month’s Mind Mass sounds just a little sweeter to your ear, there is good reason. It’s due in part to the new three–manual organ that has replaced a small electronic keyboard that was used since inception of the month Mass.
The Chapel of the Resurrection was near capacity for the inaugural Month’s Mind Mass at Calvary Catholic Cemetery Jan. 26.
Beginning Jan. 26 at 12:15 p.m., Father Ralph Argentino will celebrate a Month’s Mind Mass on the last Thursday of every month at Calvary Catholic Cemetery in the recently renovated Chapel of the Resurrection in Mausoleum Complex One.